The main visa is the visa center in Moscow, which decided to stand out. In general, the corporate identity for the visa center is an interesting task. All because such a center is fairly standardized and patterned. Therefore, it is important to distinguish the customer from among the competitors, but to preserve the specifics of the company. This is exactly how the Moscow Visa Center indicated its desire. It is necessary not just to prepare a new visual concept. We need to make a company image that will be remembered by a client without a logo. On the other hand, corporate identity should be clear and simple. To visual solution immediately caused the association with the company.
Objective: to develop such a corporate identity so that the “Main Visa” becomes recognizable without a logo.
What they did.
1. Conducted an analysis of the market and evaluated the corporate styles of other visa centers. They were pretty monotonous and boring.
2. Gave a brainstorm. Still, making the standard non-standard is not a task for one person. After active discussions, we decided that the passport is the most important document for visitors of the visa center.
3. Prepared a visual image of the brand with reference to the main document. Frames, visa stamps and gradient did the trick.
4. Developed layouts for advertising and souvenirs, which were then used in the center.
At the same stage, we prepared models of office supplies: mugs, pens, business cards, etc.
As a result, the project began to play with bright colors. A new corporate identity refreshed the overall picture of the company both inside and outside of it. At the same time, the Main Visa Application did not depart from the adopted standards and did not lose its appointment in a new manner.