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What is a responsive logo?

An adaptive logo is a special format of the logo, which have an organic look on any carrier, regardless of its size. That is, it does not decrease to an unreadable state, but is pre-designed so that even on small screens the logo will remains in good quality and within the framework of the company’s identity.

Why is it important to make a responsive logo?

Just look around, the world has gone long into digital space. And if a brand wants to be closer to its customer, it needs to be present in this space.

Firstly, these bulky company reminders are not very fond of here. The small screen of the smartphone and the desire to quickly get information from the site miss out of the sight of a large logo. But the small and neat on the contrary represents respect for the visitor.

Secondly, everyone is now sitting in social networks. And if you are going to move there (which is most likely), your logo should look correctly in a small circle on the company’s avatar.

Thirdly, the fact that 80% of Internet users use smartphones does not surprise anyone. But compact watches from Apple and Android are gaining popularity. Can you imagine how inconvenient a standard logo is for such a screen? So look to the future and make responsive logos right away.

How to create a responsive logo?

What we are about to say now is important for both the designer and the customer to understand so that later there are no unpleasant situations.

  1. Simplify the design. Discard unnecessary texts and details. A simple and clear logo that conveys the values ​​and promises of the brand, it will be appropriate to look at any site, to be quickly loaded and aesthetically pleasing. And all these subtleties in the drawing will not be visible at a decrease and only spoil the logo thumbnail.
  2. From word to letter. This option is suitable if the company that has long been on the market. Everyone knows her text logo and logo with a subscript. To be adaptive, such a logo is reduced to one letter, leaving its color and font design. As an example, the beautiful letter G in the Google Adaptive.
  3. Horizontally or vertically. You can create a logo where the graphic element and the text box will change depending on the format. In certain cases, the picture will be located above the company name, in others – placed on the side.

How to use a responsive logo?

Well, of course, you will not make the logo yourself. A designer will do it for you, but you will use it. And we must use wisely. For this, the designer will develop a corporate style guideline (guideline), which will contain detailed rules for using the logo and different logo formats for various media. Open it every time you want to use the logo anywhere, and you will be happy.





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