The Bratia Grimm is an event-agency in St. Petersburg that organizes an interesting children’s events. Moreover, the events can be completely different formats like, quests, show programs, master classes, fireworks, cakes and in general, a fairy tale for children of any age. But behind the scenes of this holiday there are guys with a clear understanding of their business. A married couple were his strict informatics teacher (former) and also a long-time leader did a well-established business and opened 5 holiday spaces in the city.
The guys requested for branding and website development. The trick was that the image of the company should be both childish and adult at the same time.
Purpose: development of branding and website for the Brothers Grimm event-agency
What they did.
- Prepared 15 logo options . At first we sketched them by hand in pencil, transferred them to the electronic version and presented them to customers. Why so much process? Because children’s holidays are a big field for fantasy. The customers understood this, so they agreed to a large selection of solutions.
2. The customer choose the logo №9. And then we went to the choice of color. Yes, usually the logo, color and fonts are one stage of the work. But our every step is important to the customer, so we have invested a lot of soul and patience in this project 🙂 Let us return. We took the soft yellow color as the basis for the corporate identity. Yellow itself is cheerfulness, energy and joy. But it can also reject from itself. Therefore, it was for the shades. But in the other hand, the customer wanted to see several solutions too.
3. Presentation of the project. Oh!! this stage was difficult for us, everything seems to be going well, the customer likes everything, and almost at the final stage everything starts to roll into hell. And here it is important to submit correctly the idea, vision, value and application. It was important for us to explain why this option is suitable for children’s parties. What we did,and you know what? The meanings that we have invested in this project after almost 4 years continue to bring so much income to the company. Here is a miracle!
- Developed a colorful website . An easy-to-use site is not so difficult to make, but the most interesting thing is to fit a lot of content that will be relevant and will not slow down the download on the website. And the guys have a lot of holiday programs, which should be clearly filed and sold as a result. But we have overcome this line too!
As a result, the guys got the same corporate identity that reflects the meaning of the company. He included bright colors reminiscent of childhood. And the corporate font is rather restrained for an adult audience and reflecting a fairy tale. The site was executed in the same design solution and high-quality functionality. The guys highly appreciated our work and noted that combining their requests in such an organic solution is not an easy task that we managed to solve.